Presidential Celebration
Rotary International President Jonathan Majiyagbe welcomed Rotarians to the one day “St. Petersburg Russia Celebration”, which was focused on HEALTH CONCERNS. The purpose of the event was by presentations and exhibition to encourage Rotarians and clubs to develop programs that provide information on variety of health care issues specially for children relevant to local communities. Hundreds of Rotarians from different countries met there and got new ideas to continue work together and Lend a Hand through Rotary service in the clubs, in the communities and around the world.
Jonathan B. Majiyagbe President RI 2003-04
| September: Our projects for 2004-05.>>>
Vova Pahluhin - a story of one boy...>>>
| August: Alaska - photos and comments.>>>
| July: New Rotary Year.
| May: Photos from Presidential Celebration in St.Petersburg can be now found on the website...>>>
| April: Presidential Celebration took place in St.Petersburg on the 2-4 of April...>>>